Tuesday, September 9, 2014


I've been thinking about this blog post for some time now. So much has happened and so much has changed. I am so thankful for the change because it means that life is moving forward and that we are continuing to become the people God called us to be! 

The first major change happened in the middle of August when Gabby and Lil' Chef moved to their apartment. It was a major change for me because they not only lived with my family, but they lived in my room! I love those two girls so much and I knew I was going to miss our late night chats and our roommate dates. 
 Gabby carrying everything up the flight of stairs to their second level apartment! 
Before everything was put away... 

After!! It's a two level apartment and it's really nice! It's a great place for sleepovers ;) 

Gabby's room before she made it her own!

I love it! I'm so glad she was able to fit her big white desk in there! Being a student about to finish her doctorate program, she will be living at that desk.

And, I don't have a before of Lil' Chef's room, but this is after! SO CUTE!! I love that she went with blue and brown! 

Along the same lines of moving, the youngest two siblings moved into the empty space in my room! It is a lot of fun having them in here especially since I hate sleeping alone in a room.... AND I have now shared a room with every single one of my sisters! 
The room was a wreck for several days while the girls moved out... 

But I eventually got it all cleaned up... it's SO empty :( 

This room divider Lil' Chef and I made 2 years ago! I love it! ... My little room, in this big room, is behind that divider :) 

Wow... it seems so huge! The little girls have now made this space their own... I don't have any pictures of their stuff moved in :( Sorry! 

My room... my space... my quiet... my little world! You will most often find this spot lit with just lamps, a candle burning, and my Tim Janis station playing on pandora... a definite favorite spot of mine! 

To continue the change... a major one is that I am not teaching this year. When they closed the program I was teaching last year, I decided to not look for another teaching position. I LOVED my kids! And teaching truly was amazing! But, I knew once they closed my program, that Jesus was leading me in a different direction. I have thrown around several ideas and I do not know where the Lord will send me, but for now, I am working full time at Washington Farms for their fall season. I have worked for them seasonally for the past 10 years and I love the family so much. 
My daily view! So thankful for this land and for the job that it is providing me! ... You can see my little shadow in the bottom right corner ;) 

I am so blessed to be able to work outside and with people whom I truly love and respect! The days are LONG, but I am thankful for the hard work. My body reminds me every night, when I crawl into bed, that I am so blessed to have two legs and two arms that work perfectly and that I can use to serve my Maker!  

This change is making me stronger, both physically and mentally, but spiritually as well. Working around and with God's creation every day is a huge blessing! 

Tonight I am sitting in my little section of the world exactly as I described it above and I am feeling so blessed. Blessed because all of this change is continuing to mold me into the beautiful butterfly that God has created me to be. Blessed because I am not my own, but God's! I don't know where this next year will take me, but I can be certain that change will definitely be happening often. I am excited to see where God leads and excited to use my passions and talents for His Kingdom. 

Much Love to you All! 

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